Saturday 31 October 2009

Your Vote Next May - Think About It

I sent this out to just about everyone I have an email address for. For those of you who I dont, the copy is here... Comments as always welcome. Welcome to cut and paste and email it to whoever as well.

Sorry for the unsolicited email. This is something that I feel strongly about, so its something that I decided to email to you guys (all BCCed for privacy). Sorry if it offends you or makes you angry – not my intention at all. I really want to express my views on the general election next year.

Really, really look at what you are thinking of doing… getting Labour out is not enough. Exactly the same sort of social engineering and statist interference that we have endured these long years will be ensconced in our laws thanks to the Lisbon Treaty. Cameron will do nothing. The best case scenario is now for Cameron and the Tories to be forced to form a coalition with UKIP, a coalition that will be dependent on a Eurosceptic line and a return of British sovereignty. If you believe that Cameron will be able to deliver even a third of what he says he will, think again – he will have less power than a US state governor to mould this country anew and fix the mess left by Labour.

The only hope to rebuild Broken Britain is a re-evaluation of our relationship with the EU. No matter what aspects you personally think need to improve about this country, be you Liberal or Conservative, Socialist or Capitalist, Environmentalist or Consumer, you need to realize that your personal agenda will be submerged under that of the EU bureaucratic monolith and NOTHING will be in your hands to democratically decide ever again. We will pass from what is an admittedly flawed version of democracy in this country to a representative republic that makes the farcical and archaic political system in the US seem open, honest, streamlined and truly representative of the popular choice.

You may loathe the Thatcherite mould of UKIP. Hell, UKIP may disappear completely soon if they cant find some more funding, but the shocking short sightedness of people just focused on getting Brown and his loathsome bunch out of power needs to be rectified. The EU is already planning an income tax on the people of all of its constituent states in addition to local taxation – think about that. A Tax imposed by a political edifice that has NEVER BEEN VOTED for by the populace of the EU member states – the EU parliament is NOT a legislative body as is in the case of the parliaments of most independent nation states. It is only a debating society who gets out their rubber stamps to approve endless reams of legislation and laws neither designed nor debated over by a single elected person. A vote for UKIP sends a message to the big three parties that people will not be silent on this issue.

One of the single defining characteristics of an independent state is its abilities to decide its own trade, legal and foreign policies. These decisions will pass from Westminster, and thus from the hands of anyone even vaguely electorally accountable, when Lisbon is ratified. Which it will be. At that time we become a province, a state with no more real power to decide our own destiny than an English local county council government.

Again, think about it. This is the greatest con and political coup in the history of Europe, a con perpetrated by Federalists, generally Liberal idealists, eager to create a kinder, gentler superstate to show the crass Americans and evil Chinese how it should be done. It was a stupid idea when it was first thought of, and it continues to be so now. Do not let the matter lie once Labour’s betrayal is complete when the Treaty is ratified in the next few weeks – we must have a vote, a referendum not only on implementation of the treaty, but of our relationship with the EU as a whole.

If Cameron adopted even 50% of UKIP’s Europe policy, I would vote for him, but he won’t. I never trusted Cameron and he has proven me right. The Tories are not the solution to the real problem here – we have a country that is broken socially, economically and politically. It needs a strong hand to fix, and while I fully acknowledge that UKIP is probably not the best domestic answer to these problems, they are the ONLY option in re-establishing the sovereignty and ability for the UK government to sort out the mess that 12 years of Labour has left us in. That’s not to say that UKIP’s domestic policies are bad – some, most are actually very sensible and practical to my mind.

If you agree with even a small part of what I am saying, please forward this to those you think would listen. I know that not everyone sees the world the same way that I do, but that is not the point. I know that not everyone is the same mix of conservative and socialist that I am. The point is that, no matter HOW you see the world and what you think is important, the EU and the Lisbon Treaty are a danger to your democratic right and ability to make your view heard, and through your vote, to influence those in power over your lives and those who spend the taxes extracted from you.

None of the major parties will do what is necessary without prompting from smaller parties or the electorate – they are all terrified of alienating the left and centre left voter who wants a strong EU for a variety of reasons. I would even encourage voters for regional national parties like Plaid Cymru and the SNP to seriously think about the repercussions for the future when casting their vote next year – regionalism is encouraged by the EU to make manipulation easier – smaller states are easier to steamroller into compliance.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that it is crucial that you vote (if you can – I know some ineligible people will be sent/reading this out interest alone). Remember, you do not have a right to complain about the country in which you live if you don’t participate in its political procedures.

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