Monday, 23 July 2007

A "Manifesto"

Hello all,

About a year ago, in the midst of a significant period of cynicism and disillusionment with all UK political parties, I wrote a manifesto up. Its pretty authoritarian - I am not a libertarian by any stretch of the imagination and so if will grate the nerves of most "right" wing bloggers and readers, as well as of course cause cries of outrage amongst any "left" and "liberal" readers.

I did, however, find it very cathartic and satisying to tabulate what I would, if I could, like to see done. Its fantasy, some of its just not practical, and some is wishful thinking, but those of you who read this, if any, might find it interesting.

I hosted it online in word format - probably a big no-no due to copyright, but to be honest I don't care all that much - if people want to copy it, then so be it - some of the ideas may do some good to somebody. Its still in pretty rough format, so expect typos, syntax, and mauled grammar. Much like all the rest of my writings :)

Again, I dont expect much agreement, and certainly no universal agreement with the sentiments the manifesto contains, but it may provide food for thought.


Anonymous said...



Great idea but I am feeling a little confused?????

londonbaz said...

In what way?

Unknown said...

Agree with most points; can send more detailed comments if you would like.


londonbaz said...

Feel free to email me Chris if you want to discuss/clarify/debunk anything :)

Anonymous said...

I have just finished reading your manifesto. What great ideas you put into words. The majority of people I know here in Australia feel the same sentiments. Unfortunately the silent majority don't have the gonads to express the way they feel. It is the minority groups who shout the loudest & therefore get all the exposure. Where are we with this?
We are on a web site that not a lot of people are going to see. We discuss the burning issues (not a pun)at barbecues amongst ourselves and all agree that we are in the majority with the way we feel but we then go home & don't mention the issues until the next barbie. Here in Aus it is always the same long haired rent a crowd yobos that attend different demonstrations organised by all the hard done by minority groups. I once asked a demonstrator how to spell racialism as it was wrong on his placard & he just shrugged his shoulders & said "who cares".
I think it is time for the majority to be made aware of your message & get out there & be heard before it is too late. Perhaps once Boris is mayor you may get the opportunity to front him with your ideas & maybe they will spread to the rest of the so called "Free World"