Wednesday 4 November 2009

Shock Horror

Yep, you read it right. Cameron is going to break the pledge he made about a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, just like Labour and the Lib Dems already have. He is insane to ignore his eurosceptic voters this way – they will look elsewhere if he does not come up with a plausible solution to this abrupt U-turn.

On that note, I went to a UKIP meet and greet in Waddesdon (my home village) Monday night and met UKIP boss Nigel Farage, who is breaking tradition and convention by standing against the Speaker (and Labour puppet despite being a “Tory”) John Bercow. Farage was slightly slippery and almost annoyingly smooth and articulate – he is a politician after all, but he was not patronizing, not condenscending in any way, and when he gave his 5 minute speechette, he basically said everything I have been harping on about for the last few weeks to all of you poor people (my family are growing politics callouses I think. That or learning to ignore me). When speaking one to one he was polite and engaging.

The long and the short of it was that my support for UKIP is solidified, I have confidence in Nigel Farage to make the euroscpetic point well, and I still entertain fantasies about 2 or 3 UKIP MPs being returned next May to act as a focal point of Euroscepticism in Westminster, and hopefully attract defectors from the Tories once they have the legitimacy of sitting MPs. A pipe dream probably, but I do not count my vote as “wasted” if there is even a chance that the point gets through to the Tories.

Seems like 1st December is the date that the Treaty will become law. The time for a referendum on it will pass too. The only referendum possible from now on is a basic decision – provincial existence that will see any semblance of sovereignty and independence disappear bit by bit until we are literally a mere province of an EU empire run by the Franco-German-Benelux claque, or dramatic re-evaluation of our membership in the EU at all and a withdrawal from the political union and membership once again in the EFTA instead. Those are the only two choices. To me the choice is clear. I just wish we had a prime minister in waiting with the moral substance to make the choice that the majority of the people in this country want him to. Sadly, we do not.

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