Monday 30 November 2009

The case continues. My AGW/Greenie mate Joe has asked to be removed from this list following several very polite debate emails between just the two of us which really serves to highlight a lot of the issues which AGW skeptics have to deal with - the idea that the science is now "done", that 20 years of research is pretty much categoric, even if partially based on the work of scientists now shown to be unethical and manipulative (and possibly criminal), and that those of us who say that there are problems with the science fall into one of the following categories...

1) Conspiracy nuts who deserve to be equated to "9/11 Truthers" and UFO chasers.

2) Scientifically ignorant people who do not see that any malfeasance would have been rooted out by the peer review process long ago (despite evidence that this process has been compromised). This coincides with an assertion that there is no conspiracy (I dont believe that there is a large scale centralised conspiracy myself by the way, just a series of small scale collusions and conspiracies) to inhibit the publication of conflicting data and findings, and that the latter simply is not given credence because it is, at heart, flawed science which just happily happens to contradict AGW orthodoxy.

3) Are possibly complicit of "crimes against humanity" as one prophet of AGW said, and akin to Holocaust Deniers (that David Icke is also a AGW skeptic does not help to refute this ludicrous statement).

4) Slaves of big business interests who are just gullible and believe everything they hear.

Now, in fairness, I am sure that there are AGW skeptics that fall into the above categories (with the obvious exception of #3), and sometimes who fall into more than one. I myself could fall quite easily into #2 - but I personally think I make up for scientific knowledge and instinct with a semi-trained analytical approach from my humanities studies, as well as a big dollop of native cynicism, scepticism of a generic sort, and increasing paranoia about the agendas and goals of social engineering elites of all stripes who want to change us all for our own good.

But all of the above is hyperbole and piffle - none of it, and none of anything I have read on pro-AGW sites (yes, I do look at some of them too) leads me to have even the slightest doubt that fraud on some level is being perpetrated regarding this issue, and that a huge whitewash by vested interests (green politicians, social engineers, big business cashing in on the paranoia, the mainstream media) is currently underway despite revelations that make Nixon's Watergate seem like a little white lie. And that is the basic point - we have been, and are being, screwed royally over this, and with increasingly billions being poured into cap and trade schemes as well as economic aid to the developing world in order for them to cut carbon emissions, we are all looking at being taxed to all hell for, essentially, nothing.

With that rant more or less over, lets get to some links/URLs. I email this to people as well as posting it on my blog ( and have not learnt how to hotlink or hyperlink, so any technical advice on this would be much appreciated.

First up is a great article on American Thinker, which pretty much sums up the state of play. Worth reading even if it is long.

Chris Booker has also written an excellent article, which in many ways perfectly sums up my own views.

Apparently there is some controversy over the above article somehow being blocked from Google searches, but that may be a touch too paranoid even for me. EU Referendum has some more on Booker's article.

This is a convoluted and long winded article on Watts Up With That showing just how the scientific method has been manipulated and compromised by the good folks at the CRU. As this is a big stick for warmists to beat us skeptics with - the fact that science would have outed any bad behaviour, this is a good article to see that this has actually been done.

Another Watts Up With That article that, when you get through the current issue regarding a total idiot named Paul Krugman, has some very interesting links and stats about the money tied up in the Church of AGW.

Here is a pretty interesting video

And on a slightly lighter note to finish up with, a "most annoying" list from WUWT


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