Monday, 7 December 2009

A Climategate Catch Up

Hi all,

Climategate has not quietened down this last week - if anything more and more is being revealed as IT specialists plumb the depths of the code, hidden in which are apparent discrepancies that make the emails seem 'not that bad at all'. Its all a bit beyond me, thanks to my being semi-computer literate at best, but overall the case for evidence of malfeasance at the CRU grows - hopefully the inquests launched by various bodies, including the University of East Anglia, are not brow beaten into a whitewash. I won't hold my breathe in hope of this of course.

And of course, today is the day that 100 world leaders and thousands of delegates start prattling on in Copenhagen about how to re-engineer our countries and economies, ostensibly to limit CO2, but in reality as some sort of wishy-washy do-gooder initiative to redistribute the wealth from the decadent developed world to the poor, exploited and victimized developing one. If you doubt this, just have a gander at the home page at - its a list of quotes from people influential in the AGW/Environmentalist community as well as some people who have had influence on all of us through positions at the UN. Scary reading.

Hopefully nothing that Obama the Sainted One (may he live forever and save us all from ourselves) agrees to will be ratified in the congress or senate in DC – the only hope for Western Civilization at all is that the Americans remain intransigent rednecks stubbornly resisting the namby-pamby exhortations of Eurotrash guilt ridden at the thought of their colonial past and current relative prosperity. And yes, in this definition I include the angst consumed British intelligentsia and left, who are largely middle class or privileged and feel very bad about being so.

On to some links. As usual, my first port of call on a daily basis to feed my EU and AGW fires is the most excellent – the blogger (the scary perceptive Richard North) has a great handle on things, and benefits from having established himself as a creditable hub of information. All of these links were originally posted there in posts going back the last few days – since a lot of what is out there on a daily basis is repetition or clarification of the Climategate scandal, its worth waiting a few days between rants to gather more ammo.

Lets start with two great clips on Youtube. The first is an excellent summary of what is going on by Rex Murphy of the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation). Canada seems to be in the front rank of response to Climategate as well as taking a position unique for a generally liberal nation in not bending over and grasping ankles for Copenhagen. Those Alberta tar fields and the billions of barrels of oil sitting there might have something to do with that.

This next clip is from the awesome Vaclav Klaus, he of resistance to the Lisbon Treaty fame and probably the political leader I respect most in the world right now. Pity Cameron sold him down the river over the Lisbon Treaty. Klaus also has his head screwed on about AGW as well.

Here is an interesting link regarding the financial security of investing in “green” technologies now that Climategate has happened. Personally I don’t think its 100% on target – the vested interests and big business onside with the fraud will still make money on it – Big Tobacco strung people along with false science for years, the AGW camp will do the same.

If you are after some real scientific and in depth analysis of what exactly was meant in the infamous “hide the decline” email, here it is. A bit above my head, but I get the gist I think. I understood enough to recognize that the blithe denials of the warmists asked to comment on it are misleading to say the least.

Aaaaa Christopher Booker. A legend. Sunday the 29th of November’s article was awesome and caused some controversy over apparent Google collusion in suppressing it, this week’s is good as well (and apparently not hidden by Google). A bit more specific, it targets Michael Mann’s tree ring analysis, which is tied in with the general Climategate furor – its interesting but not as ‘get-the-blood-pumping-in-fury’ stimulating as the one before.

Eureferendum’s Richard North and Booker are old colleagues (they have written several books together) and EUref has some good expansion on the article.

I love this next link. Its always the warcry of the warmists that skeptics are financed by big business, especially that nasty boogie man Exxonmobil, even when the financial numbers of this backing are ludicrously small compared to the amount of funds being poured into the AGW camp by various governments and NGOs. Case in point, the possibly criminal Phil Jones (send him down for subverting FoI requests!) is certainly not doing badly by toeing the line and building up the climate catastrophe.

In response to Climategate, several warmist commentators have pointed to real evidence of global warming being more than enough to eclipse the misdeeds of some politicized scientists. They often point to glaciers melting and disappearing. Yeah.

Of course, if the science is settled and, as is asserted, the other 2 major data sources/dumps for the AGW models in the US are not compromised by the CRU debacle (arguable since the field is incestuous in the extreme and much of the world-wide data has been influenced or sourced at the CRU), then there would be no need to look at the data again right? The science is solid and settled right? Right? Then why is the UK met office, a co-conspirator to the AGW fraud, publically saying that it is going to do this?

Hopefully that will catch you up to whats going on, more or less. I expect lots more over the next two weeks as the Copenhagen farce continues, with daily scare stories in the papers and tear-streaked politicians waxing lyrical about how this is our last chance…

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