Tuesday 8 December 2009

Mind Blowing in its implications

There is a lot in the papers, mainly warmist scaremongering and backside covering. There is also a lot of distraction going on by the vested interests regarding the CRU emails. Last week it was all a "Russian plot". This week the illegality of the apparent 'hacking' is being used as a diversion - if the emails and code were 'stolen' we don't really have to try and explain everything that they show do we? Disingenuous but effective since the main stream media is lapping it up and singing from the same hymn sheet - and even going further in some cases, reporting that the Met office this morning said that the "noughties" have been the warmist decade on record - misleading since that is only based on UK readings and could easily be taken for a global trend (which it is not).

But far and above the daily grind of annoyance and bovine excrement coming our way, there is something very dark and dubious happening over the pond.

The Sainted One Barack Obama (may he live forever and save us all from ourselves) has had a plan for a while now - and its coming to fruition. Not only has his healthcare programme stalled in the Senate (which is actually a pity - I do think that the US needs to reform is public health service), but the senate has also been stalling his initiatives on controlling CO2 emission. You see, that is the beauty of the American governance system - its a balance between the Executive (The Sainted One, may he live forever and save us all from ourselves), the legislature, and an independent judiciary in the form of the Supreme Court. No single body/person has massive power over the others - in theory anyways, and certainly as intended by the founding fathers. Of course, over the years, especially since Lincoln, the executive has slowly gathered more and more power and now is, at the very least, first amongst equals.

But Congress and the Senate (the legislature part of the tripod) can still block the crazier initiatives of any given president - unless there is extenuating circumstances. Or a back door. The Sainted One (may he live forever and save us all from ourselves) has created this back door.

When a number of federal agencies were created, certain perogatives and powers were devolved to them. In the case of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), one of these powers was to rule what exactly constitutes pollution, and a mandate to impose federal controls over pollutants without direct legislative approval. With presidential encouragement, the EPA has just declared CO2 a pollutant following a 2 year old Supreme Court decision that CO2 production falls under the existing legal umbrella of the Clean Air Act. BOOM! The Sainted One (may he live forever and save us all from ourselves) has neatly sidestepped the legislative inhibition to his personal green initiatives and handed the notoriously warmist EPA the ability to enact just about any insane controls over CO2 production that it wants to.

A 30% blanket reduction over the next five years? Done. Fines and legal action against industry? Done. Enforced controls on automobiles? Done. Cap and trade? Done. Individual fines? Done. Mandatory house and lifestyle alteration? Done. In a single move, the EPA has grabbed for itself more power to directly influence day to day lives than ANY law enforcement or other federal agency. That the Supreme Court made the decision to allow this to happen before The Sainted One (may he live forever and save us all from ourselves) ascended to his office is even more frightening. Thats 2 out of 3 parts of the tripod contributing to the largest single centralization of power in the United States since FDR and the New Deal back in the 1930s.

What does this mean for the rest of us? Bad things basically. With Obama now able to promise all sorts of green goodies in Copenhagen, it might allow China and India to be brow-beaten into submission and some sort of disaterous global agreement that will see wealth redistribution and social engineering and realignment on a massive scale. A socialist's utopian dream. An internationalist's wet dream. The last real hope for some level of sanity in the world to remain was American refusal to bow to external pressure - redneck intransigence and libertarian stubborness was the only thing that had the potential to stop the madness.

Of course, America being America, there will be huge numbers of legal challenges on this ruling. At its basis, since CO2 is actually essential for life it cannot really be considered a pollutant as such, and since the amount of CO2 that mankind actually puts into the atmosphere is infinitessimally small and would be inconsequential even if global warming was man made hopefully sanity and the system of checks and balances in US governance will be restored. But the damage might have already been done by then.


http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1260139 ... TWhatsNews

http://mypetjawa.mu.nu/archives/199879.php (a blog that has a subscriber WSJ article cut and pasted)

In semi-related news, while reading the Evening Standard last night on the commute home, I noticed this article.


Great news isn't it? Less than 6 years and we will have a smaller economy than Canada for goodness sake. From number 4 in 2005 to out of the top ten in less than a decade. This is the true legacy of Labour - a badly managed economy resulting in massive debt, poor resilience and poor competitiveness. High taxes, banker bonus caps, even more debt, slavery to the EU and its non-anglosaxon 'continental' system (I love Sarkozy at times, but he can also be an arse) - everything seems designed to make the UK far less than it was. There will a brain drain to more affluent countries, exacerbating the problem. The decline has been pretty solid since the end of WW1 with regards Britains place and power in the world - but WOW has it spead up since Labour took over in the 90s. They should all be impeached and shot for what they have done to this country economically, not to mention the consequences from their social engineering, apologism, immigration, and education programmes. Bastards.

Not that the blue/greens under Davey boy will be any better - the only hope is to cut ourselves loose from international inhibitions (the EU, whatever hairbrained bollocks they dream up in Copenhagen regarding CO2) and set about systematically fixing this shattered shell of a once admirable nation. Yes, that means vote UKIP. Its a slender, possibly imaginary hope, but its the only one that we have.

More links about the economy rankings




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