Saturday, 12 December 2009

Going back to my skeptical roots

Way back when, before I had even heard about the CRU or read anything at all about the science and methodology used to arive at the so called consensus, I had issues with doing anything at all to reduce our emissions when any changes would be irrelevant when compared to the output of CO2 and, more importantly, other pollutants being produced in the developing world, especially China. My visit in 2007 to Hong Kong and Taiwan confirmed this, as did my father in law's visit to Beijing in early 2008.

Now, following all the hoopla and nonsense over the last few weeks and months, I am much more informed (I think anyway) and cynical and skeptical on a whole new level. However, my initial concerns remain valid, and this article from the Wall Street Journal articulates my concerns quite well. Enjoy.

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