Saturday 9 May 2009

Facebook Transplant Part 3 - Originally Posted 19/2/09 - Most Loathed List Part 1

This was one of what was intended to be a series of "most loathed" lists, and indeed I have published a few such over the weeks. This is the first part of my "Top 10 Most Loathed" list.


I have long been considering people that the world would be better without. I have been working on this over the last week or so, and here are #s 1 through 5. I have stuck to living people who have infuriated me in one way or another over the last few years. I hasten to point out that some of the them (ok, one of them, #8) could instead be called one of the good guys, but he has still annoyed the hell out of me of late and so on the list he stays. You will have to wait until Part II to see who he is, which should be posted at some point early next week.

Until then, I present this crop of human refuse. Comments are, as usual, welcome. I dont expect you to all agree with me, but I just wanted to vent my spleen.

#1 Robert Mugabe

The number one spot in this list was a no brainer really. What other individual is more deserving of derision and mockery than this idiot? Handed a prosperous nation with excellent health care, high literacy, abundant resources and enough food output to feed several other nations, over the last quarter of a century he and the corrupt cabal that succours him have raped Rhodesia/Zimbabwe and destroyed it. How no one has yet found a ‘7.62mm solution’ for this bastard is a miracle, and indeed, a damned shame.

I could wax eloquent on the subject of just what a useless waste of skin and bone this octogenarian is, but there are more than enough column inches on this subject around, and in any case most of you are Zimbos or know enough that I do not need to elaborate further.

Here is his wiki link should any of you have been living in a cave the last few years and know nothing about him.

#2 George Galloway

Now this individual actually stimulates more pure rage in me than Mugabe does. I am almost numb to Bob’s behaviour these days, yet this scum bag can get my goat simply by appearing on my TV screen or on the pages of a newspaper. Galloway’s ideologies and politics would grate on me at the best of times. He is an old school socialist with both a working class and Scottish chip on his shoulder. He is aggressive in his articulation, blatantly anti-Semitic and too smug and too holier-than-thou by half.

On top of this is the fact that he has his nose firmly rammed up the backside of sectors of the Moslem community in the UK that are either anti-British, anti-Democracy, or pro-extremist, or indeed all three. Having some dubious actions in his past that could, and in a better world, would, equate to treason and providing succour to the enemy makes Galloway one of the most reprehensible and disgusting people in the country.

Galloway left the Labour party a few years back because it was “too” right wing! He went on to found the Respect party, which is basically a platform for Moslem rights and political lobbying interests without any manifesto beyond the gradual creep of Sharia law and Moslem morals into British society in the guise of equal rights and non-discrimination.

Here is this nasty piece of work’s wiki link.

#3 Jacqui Smith

The current Home Secretary in the Labour party, Jacqui Smith manages to combine the worst elements of political correctness, militant feminism, Moslem extremist appeasement, cowardice, authoritarianism, double standards and apologism all in one pointless little package.

Now, I can live with her trampling liberal sensibilities while getting measures like the 42 days detention law passed since it happens to coincide with my personal preferences, but her “Big Brother” leanings with regards email and mobile phone monitoring is a little too Orwellian for my liking.

What really makes her despicable is her shocking double standards. As Home Secretary she has final word on who can come into this country. She allows radical Islamists more or less free entry in the interests of dialogue, yet she bars people like Geert Wilders on the spurious claim that he would incite social disquiet and could be a danger to the public order.

She is afraid of a small minority to the extent that she will discard centuries of Free Speech tradition to appease the minority of Moslems who are anti-British, anti-Democracy and pro-violence, and for that reason she deserves nothing but mockery and scorn. I hope the current investigation into her finances and expense claims turns up something that will necessitate her resignation and future obscurity.

Her wiki link

#4 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Going a bit more global, this guy is a real piece of work. Since becoming President of Iran in 2005 he has, amazingly, done more to destabilize the region and alienate the West than the Ayatollah Khomeni managed. His continued pursuit of nuclear weapons, constant pledges to eradicate Israel, and his general belligerence is only equalled by North Korea in its potential for unleashing wide scale military horrors in this generation.

Ahmadinejad is a lodestone for anti-American and anti-Western thought in the “legitimate” political arenas of the world – he was after all elected to his office and therefore is a democratically valid statesman. The post-Khomeni years presented a massive opportunity for Iran to reconcile with an increasingly global society and provide expedient and rational leadership to the Shiite Moslem world. Instead they have firmly aligned themselves in the “us vs. them” world in which we now live.

The problem is that Iranians (Persians) have a habit of Empire building and organizational abilities normally absent in the wider Moslem world for the last 1000 years or so, and that in itself is bloody frightening.

Here is Ahmadinejad’s wiki link

#5 Ken Livingstone

Aaaa “Red” Ken. What list of the top arseholes in the world would be complete without his name appearing on it? That he is so far down the list is more a reflection of just how many bastards there are in the world right now rather than the fact that he is not a poor excuse for a human being.

Ken used to be the head honcho of the trade unions in the UK back when they had way too much power and influence. He is an old school socialist, a real class warrior that does everything he can to harm “the establishment”.

When he was mayor of London he made a concerted effort to stimulate multi-culturalism instead of true assimilation. He also instituted a congestion charge for cars entering the city, which caused millions of pounds lost in business but kept the green lobby happy. That he failed to gain a 3rd term as Mayor of London, losing to the awesome Boris Johnson, is one of the few political highlights of the last few years and almost makes me think that the general voting public in the UK are getting some small piece of a clue.

What really burns my arse about Ken Livingstone is very similar to what gets me about George Galloway. Ken is very pro-Moslem to the extent of arguing against any measures to curb terrorism. He hides behind civil liberty arguments but in reality his stance is just one more expression of his anti-establishment ethos. He has also gotten away with some nasty public anti-Semitism that would have resulted in immediate disgrace and resignation for a politician who said similar things about any other minority.

Here is Red Ken’s wiki link. I wish he and George Galloway would just bugger off to some little island somewhere and stay away from us all.

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