Monday 11 May 2009

Facebook Transplant Part 6 - Originally Posted 14/3/09 - Rant about the Luton Protests

After coming back from training in Sweden this week, my wife acquainted me with the following story

Now, I could obviously not allow such an event to pass without comment.

Once again we see two things here. Firstly, there are British born/resident Moslems who have such a fundamental hatred of the UK and our values, traditions, and international efforts that they feel compelled to demonstrate this hatred against men and women who are just doing their jobs. I could understand (if dislike) demonstration against the government for government policies, but why demonstrate against the army?

Secondly, the media once again offers biased coverage and does not transmit the full story. After giving air time to the scummy fringe elements that conducted the demonstration (thus awarding them massive publicity), they failed to give equal air time to this movie (its from a distgusting Scottish nationalist blog but it’s a good, reliable link).

They have also rallied the normal talking head apoligists pointing out that it is a small minority of Moslems, that there moderate majority are just as outraged etc etc ad nauseum.

Now, I know its only 20 people out of the 20000 Moslems that live in Luton. That is not the point. That there are doubtless hundreds who agree with the sentiments but could not bother to show up for the protest is undoubtable. That the media coverage has once again given such scum a platform for their venom and hatred will only exacerbate the problem.

The entire event has also pointed out another distressing trend – a desire not to antagonize the Moslem community on the part of the traditionally apolitical military establishment. Apparently they resisted the whole idea of a parade on these grounds, which I find cowardly in the extreme. Once again the high command plays politics to prevent the brave rank and file (and junior officers) from getting the recognition and applause that they so richly deserve.

Overall it makes me sick – it makes me sick that we can not expect our brave military personnel, who have endured so much under their inept high command and back stabbing and weak governmental leadership, to receive the respect and gratitude that they so richly deserve. It makes me sick that, once again, its blamed on a small fringe of the Moslem community without any governmental exhortations to that community to police itself better, to make concrete, public assertations as to their loyalty and their Britishness.

I really wish people would bloody wake up and start calling it as they see it as oppossed to constantly making excuses. If we had been as weak as this in the 1930s, we would have ended up with Oswald Mosley and the British Union of Fascists in government before we knew it – or at the very least an appeasement government lead by Lord Halifax who stayed neutral in WW2, allowing the evil that was Hitler’s fascism to reign supreme in Europe. It seems as though the blood spilt in the last great war has put fear into our leaders and our society – we no longer have the courage to pay the price that needs to be payed to confront an insiduous, dangerous, and utlimately desructive influence in our world. Radical Islam is in every way as evil as Nazism, perhaps even more so due to its hiding under the guise of religion…

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